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Friday 22 May 2009

Casa Bey to Forte

We are in a new stage of hip-hop where we can have a new single from an artist like Mos Def and at the same time have the original sample be revealed (see above)...and it takes nothing away from the magic of the music.

This has been done before (ghostface rhyming over "LALALA means I love you" comes to mind immediately) and 9th Wonder teaches a class on hip-hop with a section in his syllabus called "Santa Clause ain't real" where he shows his students the line between the original sample material and what their favorite artists actually create in their music. Some students end up disappointed when they find out that certain songs aren't made from scratch by an artist. Outkast's "So Fresh, So Clean" was given as an example, as was Alicia Key's You Don't Know My Name.

Actually, better DJs have been playing the sampled and and the source material from the earliest days of hip-hop and it only enhances both compositions. Right now, listening to Banda Black Rio's "Casa Forte" only makes me want to hear Mos Def's "Casa Bey" even more. They are both strong cuts in their own right.

side note:

This has got to be the best fan vid ever! Ghostface as Racer X! Daytona 5000. JediDan has hit all the marks with this Speed Racer mash-up video. too dope.


MattM said...

The whole Banda Black Rio album is super nice. About 3 or 4 different cuts ripe for rapping...

MattM said...

Oh, and that's the official video for Daytona, I believe. Think this was the beginning of the days when the Wu couldn't be bothered to show up/label wasn't putting out cash like that (remember the Dolemite/Dirty "Got Your Money?")